Giving thanks
For everyone hitting the road today - please drive safely and get to the airports early. Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
Most of my extended and my immediate family live in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. I'll be in DC tomorrow because I decided to splurge my accrued vacation days on the Christmas holiday instead.
While my aunts and uncles, first cousins and their spouses, brothers, grandparents and parents join together for what is sure to be a sumptuous meal of turkey and traditional Portuguese fare, I'll be chatting with them on the phone while I make my rounds here.
Far from what one thinks of when Thanksgiving pops to mind - I'll be arriving to a brunch armed with mimosas and eager to watch the Macy's Parade; then riding the metro to Bethesda for a Thanksgiving lunch of Chinese delicacies; wrapping the day by meeting some friends from NYC out for drinks. Far from traditional, but guaranteed to provide the requisite holiday cheer.
It can't compare with joining my brothers in cheering my cousin on as he leads his team to football victory tomorrow morning. Or helping my grandmother make her famous turkey stuffing. Or setting a dining room table with the *good China*. Or sitting beside my grandfather on the couch, stroking his hand as he recounts stories of growing up in Portugal.
But it will be special.
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!