This week has been hell. Pure H-E-L-L! Everything that could go wrong, did. And for some ungodly reason, all of the pesky little problems managed to land neatly on my lap.
I am ready for a little relaxation.
Maybe in March.
I fly north tomorrow. For all my New England buddies, the plan is to kick off the week in Newport. So if you haven’t made plans for Saturday night, a crew of us will be gallivanting up and down Thames Street, drinking heavily and annoying the natives.
I love traveling to Massachusetts for the holidays. In a seven day period, I manage to visit with over a dozen cousins, do some serious bonding with my brothers and parents, spend serious quality time with my grandparents, and usually get into at least three debates over what I am and am not doing with my life (always fun!). There’s a lot of last-minute treks to the malls (bleagh), last-minute wrapping, and last-minute cooking.
I also get to hang out with old high school friends and college buddies. Always a T-R-E-A-T!
I’m praying to the weather gods to keep Massachusetts and Rhode Island dry for the next week. Send those nasty noreasters elsewhere. At least until I return to DC in 8 days. I’m really not in the mood for a blizzard. Any accumulation over 2 inches is just too much.
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