Attention Washingtonians
Capital Action is organizing the Third Annual Alternative Gift Fair. They're looking for volunteers to plan the event over the next couple months. They also need people to help with advertising near the event and to help on the day of the event. Volunteers are needed to:
* Contact and arrange for a venue to host the event
* Contact and set up organizations to attend (they need to create items for their "shopping lists" which people can purchase and provide informational materials for display and a representative to volunteer to educate people at the event)
* Advertise through appropriate event calendars, listserves, websites, etc.
* Gather volunteers for the evening of the event to set up, work the event, collect money, write cards.
If you're interested in helping out, please contact Sat Jiwan Khalsa, Capital Action volunteer, at satjiwan@newdream.org and let him know how you'd like to help out. Include name, preferred role and level of organizing you can commit to (ie. day of only, some organizing (5-10 hours), a lot of organizing (15-20 hours), etc.)
Thanks grreat blog
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