How ironic
My senior year of college I was obsessed with one thought and one thought only - to get the hell out and start living my "real life." Oh what a fool I was.
I interned with law firms and papers, racking up experience and building a decent resume for my job search. I was tired of being creative to stretch my paltry $23.75 weekly workstudy check. Some days I remember burrowing beneath my bed, searching for loose change in order to buy a cup of java at the Coffee Cave. I swore I would never, ever live like that again.
Man - I had it MADE. My only responsibility was to be prepared for class and eventually graduate. That was it. No bills, no rent, no lost dreams, nothing. I was so anxious to leave where I was at, I forgot to savor it.
Two of my friends started grad. school last night. And I admit, I'm envious. I would love to go back to school, matriculate in a program and not just take random classes the way I have been.
Over the last two years, I've taken classes in astronomy, biology, calculus. desktop publishing, drawing, evolution, HTML, marketing techniques, media's influence on politics, perspective, photography, physics, public relations, short stories, and travel writing. In January I start Spanish and will be taking another class towards my certification in advanced public relations. There really is no rhyme or reason to any of it.
When I look on my life - I enjoy my work, I love where I live, I cherish my friends and family, I travel - I should be happy all the time, but there is definitely something missing (aside from a significant other), something I feel like I need to do or work towards. But what?
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