
Luxury item?

For all you readers out there, how do you get your hands on books? Do you borrow from the library? Borrow from friends? Or do you purchase them at your local book store?

Hillary doesn't believe many Americans purchase books to own.

And it may be true. But I shop for books the way Carrie shops for shoes. Granted, I haven't dropped $40,000 on my hardcover, leatherbound and autographed tomes.... more like $15,000+ over a decade.

But am I really the exception and not the rule?

Do most people think twice before grabbing the paperback for $15.95? Do people really put their name on library wait lists to get their hands on Allende, Brown, Cunningham. DeLillo, Ellison, Fforde, Garcia Marquez, Holmes, Ionesco, Jackson, Kingsolver, Lewis, Minot, Neruda, Orwell, Parkhurst, Quindlen, Rice, Steinbeck, Tolstoy, Updike, Vidal, Wolfe, Young, or Zola?


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